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All about IT

A fascinating project about people from the IT world

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Our stars 🤩

A whole universe of ideas, knowledge, and technologies. Put on a spacesuit and discover outer space, where I will take your hand and lead you to the stars - these guys have proven their worth ;)

Фото Александр Вир Александр Вир
Фото Александр Кириллов Александр Кириллов
Фото Александр Крылов Alexander Krylov
Фото Александр Ланцов Alexey Milyutin
Фото Александр Серпичев Александр Серпичев
Фото Александр Титов Александр Титов

Everyone can follow in their footsteps on the path to IT. Watch, learn, act!

Join our universe, and we will tell you where to start and how to continue learning!

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CI/СD everyone! My name is Anastasia Fidelina!

Иконка студента

- I am a DevOps/SRE engineer, CISCO instructor, and university teacher. On my channel, we study new technologies and strive to understand the IT world! Decide which IT field you want to explore.

Иконка цели

- Goal making IT training accessible to everyone with high-quality and quick tutorials. Discover the opportunities this profession provides.

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the following technologies

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On Fidelina channel

Channel map iconChannel map

Фото Fidelina
Photo Alexandr Krylov Photo Bogdan Photo Evgeny Idzikovsky Photo Lord Devops

The most exciting sections of the IT industry, in a viewer-friendly format!

Daily publications in the Telegram channel

Regular video reviews on the YouTube channel!

Presenters: FIDELINA, Lord DevOps, Alexander Krylov, Evgeniy Idzikovsky, Bogdan!

Фоновое изображение блока интеграция


Views metrics

By average values

  • Interviews from 50 to 120 K
  • Podcast from 40 to 85 K
  • News from 15 to 40 K
  • IT STAND Telegram channel from 2 to 7 K
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Фоновое изображение блока аудитория канала

Channel audience


  • Russia 64 %
  • Ukraine 11 %
  • Belarus 9 %
  • Kazakhstan 6 %
  • Türkiye 3 %


  • 13-17 5,7 %
  • 18-24 35,0 %
  • 25-34 30,9 %
  • 35-44 13,8 %
  • 45-54 7,9 %
  • 55-64 4,5 %
  • 65+ 2,2 %


  • Male 68 %
  • Female 32 %
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Conducting IT events and PR IT projects

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Фоновое изображение блока цены
Изображение блока цены


  • Conducting IT events By agreement
  • Special Project: from 950 $
  • Integration into interviews: 800 $
  • In the podcast, brainstorm: 570 $
  • In the IT News: 500 $
  • In YouTube Shorts: 280 $
  • In the Telegram channel: from 170 $

15% discount
By purchasing 2 integrations

Integration into the video:

On your part: Technical Specifications, animation preferences.
On our part: advertising in the video + the link to your product will be the first in the description and the comments to the video.

Integration into Telegram

You can send us a post, or we can write it ourselves, + we'll make a video review in the News on YouTube.